Friday, 18 November 2011

So What's Happening CWaC??

Got your ID...Your mobile ..Your wallet..and most important!!...Your Postcode, you might not get home without it tonight!!...Oh and don't fall asleep in the taxi could be in for a long ride..

The Knowledge test to get a taxi badge in the Cheshire West and Chester area is Laughable..Non existent..and lately you don't even need to speak English or understand your customer...

So what's happening CWaC?? 

The emphasis is on Enforcement..Enforcement..Enforcement..
Is the driver..Wearing his badge..that's easy..
Has the driver..Been smoking in the car?..
Is the car..Roadworthy?..that's a must..
Has the job been pre-booked?
You can't park..there, there, there and there..

On you go driver...don't forget your Sat Nav...
New drivers every week..notwithstanding the job numbers are decreasing..

So What's happening CWaC??

Thursday, 17 November 2011

We're On The Run...

Too many taxi drivers and not much work in a city that resembles a ghost town five days a week..if that wasn't tough enough the Licensing Team are upping the ante in a bid to prevent Private Hire drivers from illegally plying for hire in what they call sensitive areas...clubs and takeaways and anywhere where late night drinkers congregate...
There will always be a small number of drivers prepared to ' take a chance ' to earn their living...and with the job count shrinking and new drivers appearing every week, those prepared to take the chance are on the increase...
Hackney drivers are becoming irritated too as the taxi trade comes under sustained pressure from all sides
This has been seen as the time to ' crank up the pressure ' by the over zealous Licensing Officers and temperatures are rising among drivers of  both codes...

Friday, 4 November 2011

Hard Yards..I'd Say

This job can be frustrating and annoying at times...there are times when you could hand in the keys and walk away..Wait though.. there's always a laugh around the corner...A Shitzui in a shopping bag being carried by it's drunken owner on a trip to stock up the beers..that would have been one of the strangest things to find on my seat..and it near happened as the owner gathered up the booze after paying...

I can never understand why some people order a cab in someone else name..Jock did just that..don't know why there wasn't a hint of Scottish in his voice as I pulled up..he knew exactly where he was going as he staggered to my cab, trouble was he couldn't find the door he fumbled round the wheel arch I did the job for him and he fell in,,,

No prizes for hygiene for my next customer..and it was the fastest five mile ride she ever car beginning to smell of something resembling a pigsty...On the way she gave me an insight into the origin of the smell..had moved into a hostel that night after living on the streets for two years...hopefully there's some soap on a rope..

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Give Me Strength

Getting out of bed on a Sunday morning never gets any easier. Long gone are the birds chirping between themselves,to be replaced by children arguing noisily...
Ah well here goes...throw off the quilt and the cat scarpers, narrowly avoiding being impaled on a picture hook and a glassy stare that means...Dam cat hairs...stay off my bed where's my slipper.
Having a bad start to Saturday night on the road means you try to end on a good note..First job..fill up with fuel trying not to moan at the cashier over the price and Yippee...who wants to give me some money...
And here he is bearing down on me..after three ' ring backs ' must have missed them while arguing in the mirror about the hair. Door slammed  and off we go to a one man rant about patriotism, beginning with the Eurovision thing..his forefathers and how they saved us from the Nazis, to an admission that he is related to them too...
Me being me I just let him rant..eyes on the road and the occasional grunt and nod...he knew it was going in one and out the other and it made him rant louder..There we are town..hand, out five quid and the door slams again..I just know someone is going to spark this guy out before the night is over..
There's always a good job round the corner and there they were four guys chucked out of the local venue for singing..times have changed..I've listened to some strange conversations but these grown men talked of nothing but how they were going to go home and masturbate..bang goes my interjection and the risque jokes...just drive John it will be over soon...and it was, half an hour and the last one out couldn't wait to give me thirty five pounds and run up his garden path...I didn't even shout ' have a good night ' I was sure he was going to..
Saturday night just wouldn't be the same without a couple of smart arses asking ' have you been busy ' or ' what time you on till ' but I can live with that...
You do meet some genuinely nice people out and about too, who tell you bits of their life story and where they're up to in it and you don't mind giving them your attention..
Anyway on we go...( time for a brew and a ciggie )