Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Deaf Tory Ears To Destroy Taxi Trade

Cheshire West and Chester Conservatives set to get their own way again.on issues they know little or nothing about..
At HQ today a meeting of the Licensing Committee voted to effectively destroy the Private Hire Trade in Cheshire, by imposing restrictions on the life of vehicles on our streets..After ten years a vehicle will be deemed...unfit for purpose..unroadworthy..uncomfortable..and unworkable..In fact replacing a ten year old vehicle with one that is more than three and a half years old, is to be deemed the same..One wonders which hat they plucked that one from.
Cynics would say..the millions on offer for reducing emissions is a golden opportunity not to be missed and poor research and advice on how much Private Hire vehicles contribute to emissions, justifies these decisions.Some might say that the rapid increase in Private Hire vehicles needs to be addressed after realising that oversubscribing is a source of embarrassment..ie too many drivers and not enough business..

It all begs the question...Just how much do the Conservative councillors and their Licensing team know about  the trade??
Do they know? More than half of Chester's Private Hire drivers have to earn three hundred pounds a week to pay for car and radio hire and fuel before they begin to earn any wages for themselves and their families..
Do they know? The increase in driver numbers means less work to go round and drivers sometimes working ten, twelve and  fourteen hour shifts.
Increases in driver numbers result in earnings of less than five pounds an hour..less than the minimum wage..
For those drivers who own their own vehicles, maintenance is costly and finding money to put aside for a vehicle less than three and a half years old an extra hardship..those looking for finance to buy one will struggle..who will lend to someone earning less than the minimum wage?
The financial climate is not about to improve any time soon..vehicles suitable for use as Private Hire are currently between eight and ten thousand pounds to buy, plus interest charges and many drivers will leave the trade to join the unemployed..
Those drivers who rent their vehicles will see the cost of rental increase
The companies hiring the vehicles will run fewer vehicles due to rising costs..
The Private Hire Proprietors will raise their costs for the radio hire..
More drivers will join the unemployed..fares will need to rise..customers numbers will fall..
Just how much do the Conservative councillors know?
More to the point..How much do they want to know?

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