Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Field Of Strawberries,,Analogy

I have an area of land and decide to use it to grow strawberries..There is a market for strawberries and my research tells me there are only a certain number of strawberries that people will buy, so I grow strawberries to satisfy my customers needs, focussing on quality and mindful that should I grow more than I can sell my efforts will have been wasted.
I buy the best strawberry seeds in order to produce the quality my customer demands to ensure they return for more
I employ people who have a knowledge in this field and my business flourishes. I'm satisfied and my customers are happy and continue to buy..so I make a living and those I employ make a living.

My friend purchases an area of land, in the town where he lives, to grow strawberries..He takes on board some of my advice having seen my success..then he decides in his own wisdom that he will employ a small number of people who have little knowledge or experience in this field, alongside others with the required experience and knowledge..
My friend soon notices that his customers are becoming less satisfied with the quality of his strawberries and are buying less. Some of his employees are leaving and he is replacing them with more who have little knowledge in this field..
It isn't long before his business is struggling..complaints follow about the quality and his customers don't return..
My friend struggles to make a living..his customer are unhappy and so are his employees..

Taxi drivers livelihoods are being threatened, as councils continue to issue licences to people with little or no knowledge of the area and how to do the job...

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