Monday, 5 March 2012

Dear Somebody...

Well here we are..early March. It's bloody freezing!!! Even when the sun is out.
Let's see...Fuel prices still on the up up up and job numbers still not increasing...Dear Lord..Dear somebody can we have two busy weekends a month? Oh and some more race days, with plenty of visitors..and can someone tell Mike Jones...he's something to do with the Council, that the four million visitors we do get..come on coaches..use trains and walk round saying ' Chester is a lovely place ' and so it might be but that doesn't pay the bills.
So too many taxis..not enough work and somebody somewhere sitting in a warm office thinks in their wisdom, minus any knowledge of the taxi trade..oblivious to the current financial climate...that it would be a good idea to abolish the zone system for Hackney Cabs and keep on increasing the numbers...
It's true..any extra work on race days and end of each month..when people get paid..they think we want to share the name of  ' free enterprise ' Not Bloody Likely..There are only so many ropes you can dangle over the bridge at any one time..
Methinks there'll be a resounding No!! to ending the zones and to any calls to increase numbers..
They say those that have power..always want more.. and more and now it's a Points system for forgetful and erring taxi we're little if the Licensing officers from CWaC haven't racheted up the rules enough already..they want to introduce more and play ' policeman '....If they can't be seen to be enforcing what they have now.. how will they enforce more..
Oh and if you really want to know what's high on the wishlist..A proper Knowledge Test to ensure all new drivers know their does wonders for customer satisfaction...

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