Saturday 10 March 2012

You Know It Makes Sense...

Some years ago, while driving couple of customers home after a quiet night in town..a voice from the back seat said to me ' The new night out, is a night in.' She'd read it in a magazine somewhere..
I find myself saying the same thing at least once every Friday or Saturday night of late..Is something afoot in our once bustling..vibrant city?..The price of the beer and the blanket ban on smoking in the pub..just two of the nails in the coffin, along with the downturn in custom condemns the friendly local to the history books..
There are not many drinking establishments around that don't offer food with your pint..but think about's cheaper to knock a meal up at home, with the family, bottle of wine or a couple of cans in front of the telly a film..couple of friends..No late night brawls..No waiting in the cold for a taxi home..or standing outside having a smoke.Apart from special occasions..The new night out is a night in for more and more people

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